Sell on FAZ

Reach buyers in new markets from Mena and beyond! Join Us Now

Becoming a seller is easy!

Interested in expanding your business? FAZ is a new E-Marketplace that provides MENA sellers with a gateway to regional and international markets, connecting you with a vast network of potential buyers. Expand your reach beyond borders and tap into new opportunities worldwide.
We bring wholesale buyers and sellers together through an integrated online application with a single window for transactions, payment and delivery. The good news is, we don't request for commission!
All you have to do is subscribe to our monthly plan and we'll provide you with what you need to maximize your sales and reach buyers far and beyond!

What you need

Please ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and can provide supporting documents upon approval of application

  • Company Trade License
  • Registered Trademark
  • Bank Details


  • Seller profile verification
  • List more than 100+ products
  • Sales and traffic analytics system
  • 5 employees Sub-accounts per subscription
  • Rewards on sales
  • Marketing Ads across social media
  • Respond to more than 60+ RFQs
  • Rewards
  • 24/7 support


  • Seller profile verification
  • List more than 100+ products
  • Sales and traffic analytics system
  • 5 employees Sub-accounts per subscription
  • Rewards on sales
  • Marketing Ads across social media
  • Respond to more than 60+ RFQs
  • Rewards
  • 24/7 support